10 Tips for Taking Great Phone Photos from The Merrythought:
1. Clean your camera lens
This makes such a big difference! Try to remember to do this anytime before you shoot pictures, just a quick wipe with a clean cloth (your t-shirt will do fine!) over the camera lens is all you need. (This is especially helpful if you have little ones that play with your phone!)
2. Use natural light whenever you can
Although phone cameras adapt pretty easily to different light settings, natural light is still always best! It will give you the truest colors and the brighter light will help make your photos a little more sharp. It’s worth it to step outside (or take that plate of food outside!) to capture your shot!
3. Move around
Most of us just grab our cameras and shoot what’s right in front of us. Try changing your angle/view to give your photo a more unique look. Get lower to the ground, or try holding your camera up above whatever you’re shooting. And why not try a few different angles while you’re at it – that’s the beauty of digital photos, being able to shoot a lot!