Four Photo Holiday Display

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Four Photo Holiday Display

click here for more Christmas projects



Give your pictures a new look by combining four frames into one. It's easy with the KODAK Picture Kiosk.

Time to complete:  00:30 (hh:mm)

Skill level:  medium

What you'll need:

  • Photos
  • Four Identical frames
  • Strong adhesive (glue)
  • Staples or nails
  • Ribbon

How to Make It

  1. Take pictures with children spelling out “Noel”.
  2. Print pictures on KODAK Picture Kiosk.
  3. Insert pictures in frames.
  4. Glue the frames together into a quadrant.
  5. Staple or nail ribbon to the back of frames
  6. Hang with ribbon.


  • Print your pictures in black-and-white or sepia for a different look.
  • Substitute picture hanging wire for the ribbon for a more contemporary look.