Source files for the open source fonts used in Kodak Moments Software are linked below. These source files include the applicable license and copyright information for these open source fonts. Click the applicable font name to download its source file and licensing and copyright information.
- Abril Fatface
- Allura
- Amatic SC
- Anton
- Big Shoulders Text Black
- Caveat
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Courier Prime
- Graduate
- Kaushan Script
- Noto Kufi Arabic
- Noto Sans
- Noto Sans KR Bold
- Noto Sans KR Light
- Noto Sans KR Regular, Medium
- Noto Sans SC Black
- Noto Sans SC Bold
- Noto Sans SC Light
- Noto Sans SC Medium
- Noto Sans SC Regular
- Noto Sans SC Thin
- Noto Sans KR Thin
- Noto Sans Thai
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Permanent Marker
- Playfair Display
- Quicksand
- Ribeye Marrow
- Robotoslab
- Sacramento
- Shrikhand
- Unica One