Make 8×10 prints at a KODAK Picture Kiosk or with the KODAK MOMENTS App
Tape prints together.Lay your two 8×10 prints side by side so they are facing you. Tape the prints together on both the front and the back of the images.
Make into a cylinder shape. Overlap the remaining two sides about 1/16 of an inch (so they will fit perfectly into the circumference of an oatmeal lid) and tape all along the new seam.
Place lantern over battery operated votive candle.
Make 4×6 prints at a KODAK Picture Kiosk or with the KODAK MOMENTS App
Cut around each picture
Tape the picture to a stick
Insert into your favorite cupcake
TIP: Use a variety of pictures of the graduate so guests get different pictures.TIP: Try using the mini prints option in the collage menu for smaller prints.